A few weeks ago I took a walk in a( new to me) part of Durand Park. I found many visual delights and found images of tree spirits, and photographed many. I am in the process of painting one of these images for an up coming show. I will down load some of my photos.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Window Pane/ reflections

Hand colored photographs of recent tree reflections

zoomed images of tree reflections

I've always enjoyed reflections, probably because abstraction by far pleases my eye and brain more then realism. Window panes are made of glass which reflect what's in and out side depending on your vantage point. Seeing a reflected television screen slightly slanted in a window seems more surreal and interesting than looking at the screen straight on.

I shot my images digitally and printed them in black and white on strathmore paper. After spraying the paper with workable fixative, I began applying prismacolor pencil to the surface. I used colors that please me not what was originally captured. The white bars seemed to be like the divisions in a window so I left them almost colorless. In actuality it was the snow next to the creek where the reflections were shot.


  1. Looks beautiful, I just love it!
    Welcome to Creative Tuesday dear friend:)

  2. ZenZappa, great to meet another creative in blogland, and thanks for joining Creative Tuesdays!! This is very well done indeed. I love what you've done here with the expressive use of colouring.

    (BTW, did you realise your URL you signed up with had commas instead of periods so others can't click on your name in the mister Linky to get there?)

    I am going to add this to my side bar as this is your first entry but I do feel I should point some of the guidelines you may have missed which state that photography can only be a side embellishment and should therefore include primarily drawing or collage or what have you instead. Also, please add a link in your write up to the blog, mentioning Creative Tuesday. Thank you! That will promote this co-op and hopefully get more people involved as well as offer encouragement and traffic for other participants' once someone comes to my blog and sees each person's name and entry listed on the side bar.

    Again, thank you for joining! :)

  3. Added to my side bar now. Thanks.

  4. This is really interesting and a fantastic addition to Creative Tuesdays! I love them-- both top and bottom sets.

  5. I like your creative process and the results are gorgeous!

    welcome to creative tuesday!

  6. Very orginal. Just learning new art techniques every day. Welcome. This is a great group. Blessings

  7. This is so nice and original,well done!

  8. Thanks for all your supportive comments, I am new to blogland and still learning my way around.
